

I finally got around to making some much needed changes to my web site that I kept putting off. Most of the changes are with the gallery, breaking it down so the viewers can go right to what they want to see. Now all I need is new exclusive art for my web site, right now it's everything that I got on DA or other sites. They're a couple of unpublished commission pic that you may not have seen, depending on if the client posted them himself. A lot of the exclusive art will be b&w sketches and such which don't get love on DA (or at least mine don't) so I'll save them for my site. I start with Uber Boobers and do some Fumie pics and bring in others as I go.

What I want is to do an online Fumie comic. Got lots of great stories and cool character put together with my writer, 'The Shadow Scribbler'. I need to check in with some buddies of mine who already have web comics and see what is needed technically speaking. My site is not as cool as I would like it to be but web site design was never my strong point. Despite the weak design and old art, I'm still getting about the same view of views at graphicbrat.com as I am on devaintART. And things are getting better everyday so for now I'm happy.


Making Some Changes...

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Pushing Forward!!

I've been doing a lot of drawing! I trying to get my dreams off the ground. I see so many great artist who have created such awesome work as well as some not so great artist who have done so much more than I have. So, it's time to step it up! My latest goal is to have my Fumie comic Yubi-Kiri (Pink-Promise) online by fall. With my writer who shall be known as 'The Shadow Scribbler' we have come up with a massive amount of stories and characters for Fumie to play with for a long time.

I've also got a new productivity schedule that seems to be going well. Basically I'm multi-tasking, working on several pics at once instead of my normal start to finish routine. With several fires burning at once, I can push forward projects or put them back, I won’t get bore or bogged down on one having a bunch of other I can switch to. I know that sounds a bit too simple and that I've worked on bunches or projects before, but I've always started a pic and won't move on until it was done. It's a habit I ingrained on me as a kid because I would leave many pictures unfinished, and I hated that so I would force myself to finish a pic before starting a new. Now as an adult, at least in body, I have the will to finish all my pics so I just need to have the mental freedom to work around things when needed.

It always makes me smile to get Fumie fan mail. I still really don't know what it is about the girl that folks are so in love with; it seems to be more the a tit and ass thing, but regardless she gets a lot of love and I wish to thank all of you. So here is a special treat that you will only see here; Fumie as Thunderjuggs the Barbarian. Enjoy!!


WTF?! Ripped Off Again!!!

I just spent 14 or more hours working on a commission project for this porno site only to get a email saying that "We will not be needing your services. " WHAT... THE... FUCK?!?!? I can not believe the bullshit that I go through dealing with commission work! I have great prices, I do great work and my turnaround maybe a little slow but I get the job done. So again, WHAT... THE... FUCK?!?!? What pisses me off more than anything is to have my work rejected. It's not like getting a unfavorable comment on DA (which pisses me off too, but not as much) , it's a direct rejection to me. My ego takes a shot to the balls with a baseball bat when this happens and makes me lose sight of all the good work that I have done. I know I need tougher skin, but that shit is still a pisser.

I've been told that I should at least collect a fee or deposit up front to keep most of the jackasses away or even better keep them honest. And they're right, I should do that. But I am a believer of taking drastic action for definite results and therefore I will be closing commission work permanently. It's long hours with little payoff and to risk getting ripped off is not worth it at all. So no more commissions, ever.

Now I can focus all my time and effort or MY ART!! Drawing what I want to draw. Finally I can get back to directing my attention on Fumie and other projects. I put baby in the corner long enough, and you know the line; ‘No one puts baby in the corner.’

Well, I feel a little better. That’s all for now.


New Art!?

Well I haven't made much new art. I've got lots of ideas but either no time or no energy to make it. I spend way too much time on DA, FA, HF, HA and all the other gallery sites you can think of, looking at other peoples cool art instead of making my own. And God, let's not go into all the porn I look at... it's pretty much an addiction. So many ideas!! Too many to go into. I'm working on a artwork scheduling log or list that will help me put things in order. I'm going to have to quit doing commissions because mainly it's not paying what it need to and partly it's hard to get the timing right to do them. If I had commission work I had to do that I wasn't crazy about doing then I would put it off and if I had backed up commission work then I wouldn't do any other art until the commission art was done. Hence the lack of art in 2008. Hard work + Low pay = Lazy Artist.

I want to work on my comics, ALL OF THEM! My Fumie comic 'Yubi-Kiri' (Pinky Promise) , so many new characters and stories; My BigEYE Comic titles 'Lipstix Truama' and 'Igazon' and other ones that have yet tot full form in my head. 'Igazon' is something no one has seen yet, mostly because he is my pride and joy and partly because I afraid people will wrongly connect him to a character created by a popular artist on DA, so I want his into to be done right. I want to work on other peoples art and comics like my online buddy Darrell with his awesome story of 'Blonde Marvel', check him out if you haven't already! I've been putting off doing more fan art for a while. And I've got lots of DA buddies whose art I would like to color or do fan art.

I'm tyring to work a month ahead. Right now I've got February - Valentines pics in the works, at least as ideas, got some for March as well. I want to do more Uber Boobers!! They are what put me on the map. More Shego art, maybe some naughty stuff for another website instead of DA. And more of my versions of the GoBots. That 'Crasher' pic I did is very popular. I like when people place my art in their blogs and forums, it's really cool. I've got a great idea for Cykill and Turbo and I think I finally came up with something for Leader-1, it should be good.

Well enough of this for now. Keep watching my galleries please!