I finally got around to making some much needed changes to my web site that I kept putting off. Most of the changes are with the gallery, breaking it down so the viewers can go right to what they want to see. Now all I need is new exclusive art for my web site, right now it's everything that I got on DA or other sites. They're a couple of unpublished commission pic that you may not have seen, depending on if the client posted them himself. A lot of the exclusive art will be b&w sketches and such which don't get love on DA (or at least mine don't) so I'll save them for my site. I start with Uber Boobers and do some Fumie pics and bring in others as I go.
What I want is to do an online Fumie comic. Got lots of great stories and cool character put together with my writer, 'The Shadow Scribbler'. I need to check in with some buddies of mine who already have web comics and see what is needed technically speaking. My site is not as cool as I would like it to be but web site design was never my strong point. Despite the weak design and old art, I'm still getting about the same view of views at graphicbrat.com as I am on devaintART. And things are getting better everyday so for now I'm happy.